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Experience the medieval atmosphere of Chioggia

Imagine a town transformed into a medieval camp for a weekend: Minstrels, taverns, beautiful women and skilful crossbowmen who will transport you into a world full of history and charm.

The Palio della Marciliana on the third weekend in June lets you rediscover the magic of a bygone era with the historical re-enactment of the war against Genoa in 1379, when the city was finally liberated after a ten-month siege and defeated its enemies in an epic battle in the city centre.

Among the many events is the crossbow tournament, one of the oldest in Italy, so much so that Chioggia preserves the council decree from 1414 that governs this tournament.

There is plenty to see and do during the Palio weekend: Banquets, taverns and crossbowmen’s camps are set up along the Corso del Popolo, while the whole town performs songs, dances and simulations of battles and ancient crafts. The procession with hundreds of participants in medieval costumes moves along the Corso to the rhythm of drums and flag-wavers.

Experience this marvellous adventure with us every year on the third weekend in June!


Author mirco

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